26 Jan Buzz Aldrin: 25 Years After Challenger Disaster – A Rededication to Space
As we reflect on the tragic loss of Challenger and her brave crew of heroes aboard that fateful day, Jan. 28, 1986, I am reminded that they truly represented the best of us. As they climbed aloft on a plume of propellant gasses, reaching for the stars, they inspired us who were earthbound.
They represented the inspiration that is uniquely space and planned to share their experiences with the classrooms of future explorers who might one day follow their path — and, perhaps, reach higher still — because of this great mission. A mission so tragically ended was, in a moment, etched forever in our hearts and memories.
As we grieved at this great loss, President Ronald Reagan recited lines from another American hero — John Gillespie Magee Jr.’s memorable poem, “High Flight” — and reminded a grieving nation that “they slipped the surly bounds of Earth” to “touch the face of God.” The words inspired us, describing for us in poetry the great sacrifice and noble cause of the Challenger crew.
I am also reminded of three friends and heroes who we lost in the Apollo 1 fire — particularly my friend, Ed White, fellow West Pointer, track team and squadron-mate. Just 2 1/2 years after that tragic day, we boldly made our way to the moon, a journey we would complete in their honor with my colleagues, Neil Armstrong and Mike Collins, aboard Apollo 11.
And I think of the brave scientists and explorers of the Columbia tragedy, just eight years ago. They, too, are with us as we turn our attention to science that will one day help make possible human exploration beyond the constraints of our precious Earth-moon system — when the inevitable journey of humankind to the surface of Mars and into the cosmos will indeed begin in earnest.
These were the tragic beginnings along this path, and we can never forget their passion for space, their commitment and selfless dedication to it, the joy they experienced in the pursuit of it, and their heroic sacrifice, which took them from us.
It is for us to honor these great pioneers who were paving the way for our future, by continuing this great quest, that their hopes and dreams may be realized by those who were so inspired by their example.
In the present uncertainties of the space program, a great transitional opportunity exists, and we must rise to the challenge in the spirit of those who have so bravely shown the way forward, and for those who will follow. A great nation deserves no less, and their memories compel us to continue their journey.
Read the original article at AOL News
Artist Wendell Minor illustrates a beautiful shuttle launch honoring and remembering the seven members of the Challenger Crew.
Download Patriot dreams by Wendell Minor in high resolution
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