As I sit in hospital and just heard that my friend John Glenn has passed away, I feel fortunate to be recovering from my own illness, but saddened that we lost another space pioneer and world icon.
I first met John Glenn in 1953 when I was a fighter pilot in South Korea in the 16th squadron and the 51st fighter group. He was the Ops officer of the 25th squadron in the 51st fighter group. The next time I learned about him he flew of course on his first orbital flight and then when I reported as a NASA astronaut in 1963 and started training in 1964 we both became elders in the same church in Houston, TX.
Not long after that he left NASA and of course pursued a career in politics while I went on to do my Gemini 12 and Apollo 11 missions. When he was 77 he flew again on a shuttle mission and became the oldest to fly in space. I saw him at various memorials and astronaut gatherings over the years and I believe the last time we saw each other in person was at Neil Armstrong’s memorial at the National Cathedral although we spoke by phone and corresponded by email since then.
I was very saddened to hear the John was ill over the past year. Since he was the last remaining Mercury astronaut, I was always lobbying him to encourage the Apollo guys to do regular reunions annually since we’re not getting any younger. With the news today I’m saddened again to hear that we have lost the pioneer of space flight for the United States, second only to Yuri Gagarin, and he will always go down in history as certainly one of the most influential officers in the Marine Corps and of course as one of the original Mercury 7 astronauts. I am very sorry that he has departed us with his wisdom. I join that crowd of people and the entire nation and the world in paying homage to his service.
Tymofiy Hawrysh
Posted at 21:56h, 02 MayWe grieve the passing of John Glenn and celebrate his many achievements with NASA including those as a Mercury and Apollo Astronaut. His gifts to humanity will always be cherished. May His Memory be Eternal.
Eduardo Carvalho
Posted at 04:23h, 26 MayLast of original 7 to departure.
A true hero, John Glenn
Pingback:John Glenn, First American To Orbit Earth, Dies At 95
Posted at 03:12h, 23 May[…] Update: Buzz Aldrin, who is still recovering from the respiratory issues that forced his evacuation from South Pole last weekend, remembers his fellow astronaut: […]
Posted at 22:59h, 05 MarchThank You for your help and support in this world. I am 12. I would like to be an astronaut and go to the moon.
You are a great person and everyone should be looking up to you.
Tera T.
Posted at 18:26h, 07 JanuaryI am 8 years old. Thank you for your work, because I am learning a lot from you and your friend Glenn. I would like to be an astronaut and go to Mars.
Huw jones
Posted at 11:48h, 18 DecemberGod bless you Sir. A real hero for us all to look up to. May your family and friends find peace in your passing, knowing the life you had was an inspiration to mankind.
Posted at 14:48h, 15 DecemberMy brother (who taught me about astronomy as a child), & JOHN GLENN, inspired me to want to be an astronaut. Although it never happened, I’ve lived my life as an adventurer. Thank you, Buzz Aldrin & all space explorers & scientists, for keeping the dream to travel to Mars & beyond alive!
oscae clark
Posted at 13:42h, 15 DecemberMy hope is for John Glen to be receiving his reward in our times of very few heroes.
And whenever Buzz Aldin is called, I hope his reward is waiting for him and is as Blesses for him as well
Troy Henley
Posted at 13:37h, 14 DecemberGod bless you John Glenn- a great Christian, Father and Leader. That was very sad news, but tempered a bit by the news of your great recovery Buzz. Glad to see you are still a pioneer and looking for adventures! Hope to meet you in person some day, you are one of my all time heroes Buzz, right there with John Glenn, Ronald Reagan, George Patton.
Pingback:Buzz Aldrin on Historic South Pole Trip Despite Heath Scare and Evacuation: ‘It Was Worth It’ - BoredomBuzz
Posted at 09:06h, 14 December[…] he was recovering, Aldrin also learned about the passing of fellow astronaut John Glenn, whom he called a “typical, all-American […]
Pingback:Buzz Aldrin on Historic South Pole Trip Despite Heath Scare and Evacuation: ‘It Was Worth It’ - AceCelebrity
Posted at 09:00h, 14 December[…] he was recovering, Aldrin also learned about the passing of fellow astronaut John Glenn, whom he called a “typical, all-American […]
Pingback:Buzz Aldrin on Historic South Pole Trip Despite Heath Scare
Posted at 08:52h, 14 December[…] he was recovering, Aldrin also learned about the passing of fellow astronaut John Glenn, whom he called a “typical, all-American […]
Michael Broemmer
Posted at 13:59h, 13 DecemberMy deep condolences to the death of John H. Glenn. An excellent person, a courageous pioneer of the astronautics, has gone on his last trip. With Friendship 7 and STS – 95 he has become the legend. We won`t forget John Glenn, he will remain in our heart.
Thanks Buzz , for this condolences page !
Keith Jenkins
Posted at 18:32h, 12 DecemberGod Speed John Glenn Is Gone indeed.
On hearing about Glenns’s death, I got messed but recovered quickly when I started recalling one of Glenn’s great archivements. I said a prayer and my last words were ” Now that a hero is gone, we must feel together in his memory just like those whom we lost before”. But one thing for sure is that each hero never fades. We will keep every legacy strong. R.I.P. John Glenn !
Brian Neeley
Posted at 16:23h, 12 DecemberGod bless you John Glen (RIP).
Jason Dick
Posted at 07:20h, 11 DecemberAll of the men who took part in those early missions were extraordinary and enviable people. We owe all of them a great debt of gratitude.
Stephen Holliday
Posted at 05:10h, 11 DecemberI am lucky to have had such boyhood heroes, I was born at the right time to look up to the sky with wonder , to imagine that I had seen astronauts flying over my home town in Yorkshire. Daring, inspiring heroes are what all boys need as positive role models.
From England
Thank you
Kathy E Cavanaugh
Posted at 21:46h, 10 DecemberJohn Glenn will always be my hero for not only his military and space flights but more importantly for the moral and ethical life he lived. He is truly our best and brightest. He will forever be missed. Godspeed John Glenn
Kathy Cavanaugh
Posted at 21:45h, 10 DecemberJohn Glenn will always be my hero for not only his military and space flights but more importantly for the moral and ethical life he lived. He is truly our best and brightest. He will forever be missed. Godspeed John Glenn
Ryan Stampfli
Posted at 21:02h, 10 DecemberWe will miss and fondly remember John Glenn as a hero and an explorer – he gave my home town of Perth the honour of being known as the City of Light – that was before I was born, but when I was 19 and he flew over us again in STS-95 we were so proud to make everything bright again as he passed over
May his light ever shine
Scot Silverstein MD
Posted at 19:04h, 10 DecemberSaddened to hear of John Glenn’s passing. I recall vividly the newspaper coverage of John Glenn’s Mercury flight – I was almost 5 years old. In 1998 I was at Cape Canaveral on a tour just days before Discovery launched with him aboard. I wrote my name, “Good luck John Glenn” and my ham radio callsign KU3E on the STS-95 mural. On hearing of his passing, I posted a picture I’d taken last year at the Smithsonian Hazy-Udvar Center in Chantilly, VA of a Mercury capsule in front of the Discovery at my FB page. Godspeed John Glenn!
Dennis Lange
Posted at 14:05h, 10 DecemberRIP Senator Glenn. It was a pleasure to get to know you, a few yrs ago. A true American hero and patriot. I wish I could have carried that bomber jacket back to the USA, but I KNOW you enjoyed those puros de Havana. A gentleman and a class act all around. May God take your soul, prayers.
Ayodele Faiyetole
Posted at 11:43h, 10 DecemberLegendary John Glenn – a first in many ways – RIP!
I strongly feel John Glenn’s 3x earth orbiting feat in 1962 gave America a huge relief of accomplishment since Yuri Gagarin made the first one-shot show. That unique first also set the pace for America’s leadership position in space exploration up till today.
Coming back at the age of 77 to fly on a shuttle mission sets another first record, a record of still being the oldest to go to space! With great humility, finess, and life of service, those are the standards he sets for astronauts, and the ones pursuing to make a great positive marks in the world over. John Glenn, therefore, pretty much defined what the standards are for astronauts and space exploration.
He’d be greatly missed, and we are glad he lived a great life full of service to humanity. A life of a first in many ways!
Posted at 02:52h, 10 DecemberWe’ve lost a great hero indeed!
Posted at 00:40h, 10 DecemberI may only be 40 years old, but John Glenn and so many others involved in the space program will always be a huge part of who I was growing up and who I have become today. Growing up (on Glenn Street ironically) my walls were plastered with moon maps, and other NASA memorabilia. I wore crew patches sewn on my sweatshirt to school, despite the teasing that followed from my classmates. I always dreamed of being the first woman on Mars. Although I now suffer from medical conditions that make that impossible, I know that someone will walk on the surface of Mars in my lifetime. I am thankful for John Glenn and the four sunsets he witnessed on his flight, for they brought light to generations to come.
Ryan Fitzpatrick
Posted at 00:34h, 10 DecemberThank you for writing this, Buzz. And thank you for everything you’ve done. My soul has felt an enormous void at the news of your illness and now this, with John. I look up to you and the other Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronauts as my absolute most esteemed heroes. At the same time, you’ve all taught me enough to know I shouldn’t feel such despair. At least, not for too long. I feel I could spend years toiling on the perfect message I want to craft to you, because you all mean that much to me, but that would be fruitless. In the mean time, please know the original astronaut spirit lives on, and the soul of what you all stood for, and the goodness behind it lives on with passion and vigor. You’ll always be my greatest hero, Buzz.
Ryan Fitzpatrick
Posted at 00:33h, 10 DecemberThank you for writing this, Buzz. And thank you for everything you’ve done. My soul has felt an enormous void at the news of your illness and now this, with John. I look up to you and the other Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronauts as my absolute most esteemed heroes. At the same time, you’ve all taught me enough to know I shouldn’t feel such despair. At least, not for too long. I feel I could spend years toiling on the perfect message I want to craft to you, because you all mean that much to me, but that would be fruitless. In the mean time, please know the original astronaut spirit lives on, and the soul of what you all stood for, and the goodness behind it lives on with passion and vigor. You’ll always be my greatest hero, Buzz.
Godspeed to Neil, John, Alan, Gus, Ed, Chaffee and the rest.
With much. much love,
Edward Curnutte
Posted at 22:50h, 09 DecemberVery eloquently said, sir. John Glenn was one of our great space pioneers – and you are another. Thank you.
Brendan Wagner
Posted at 22:07h, 09 DecemberI’m sure he travel to God fast and now is looking down from the better view of all of us his spirit will take us to Mars and Beyond as all astronauts wil. GODl speed to you all get well quick Buzz
Anne Peterson
Posted at 18:58h, 09 DecemberOffering prayers during this very painful time for those whom he left behind. For his family, friends and colleagues and a nation thrown into grief at the loss of a truly remarkable man who walked with his Creator all the days of his life –he will be deeply missed by all who knew him and a grateful nation
Brian Conroy
Posted at 18:45h, 09 DecemberBeautifully said, Mr. Aldrin. You both are members of a generation that helped us to reach for the stars, and we thank you for everything you have done. I am also glad that you have improved yourself.
John neil
Posted at 16:48h, 09 DecemberPlease take care and best wishes.we need heroes like John glenn, neil armstrong and you to inspire us and point the way back to space.
Posted at 16:43h, 09 DecemberThank you for this remembrance. We will not forget!
Barry Rowland
Posted at 16:09h, 09 DecemberGod speed Sir and may He give your family and friends comfort. Our nation has lost a real hero and a great man.
Jackie Thomson
Posted at 14:53h, 09 December2016 has been a tough year for losing my heroes. Fly well, John.
Posted at 13:57h, 09 DecemberYour words break my heart. In this great time of change it is certain we are soul travelers, so rest your head on my shoulders and know I am here for you.
Joaquin Rodriguez
Posted at 13:39h, 09 DecemberMy most sincere salute to both of you
rokbani mohamed
Posted at 12:23h, 09 Decembergreat respect for you. condolences for you and for all Americans. losing a such world space icon, is a loss and sadness for all humanity. God bless John Glenn. i wish you a quick recovery. Godspeed to you.
Marc Savioli
Posted at 12:21h, 09 DecemberCol Aldrin, thank you for your statement. Our American astronauts are an inspiration. Wish for a speedy full recovery, and for your continued advocacy for American space and science leadership. Your ongoing work is so vital to us.
rokbani mohamed
Posted at 12:21h, 09 Decembergreat respect for you.
condolences for you and for all Americans. losing a such world space icon, is a loss and sadness for all humanity. God bless John Glenn. i wish you a quick recovery. Godspeed to you.
Juan Morales
Posted at 12:03h, 09 DecemberR.I.P. A great Loss. He will always be remembered in the history of the U.S.A. Always and Forever…… 🙁
Robert Short
Posted at 11:55h, 09 DecemberGlenn and Aldrin were two men with a very bold vision that inspired generations to look outside and reach for the stars. I hope that NASA will honor them by continuing what they started. When man told Glenn he couldn’t reach outer space, he made it happen. When people said that going to the moon was too hard Armstrong and Aldrin showed us it was possible. I would love to see men like this craft the future of our space agency. Can you imagine how amazing NASA could be with these bold visions? God speed to John Glenn and get better soon Buzz!
Stephane Lacoste
Posted at 11:53h, 09 DecemberThank you for sharing this. I am a mere fifty years old and Glenn was a historical hero before I was even born. I was always impressed by the the courage he had shown to go to space when it was all new. I still have a lot of respect for modern astronauts who still are very courageous. You and him together. My earliest memories of space and astronauts is the first moon landing mission so to me, you are a huge hero. As a little boy, I dreamt of going to space one day and played at being an astronaut. I still hope for some extraordinary scientific discovery that would make space travel affordable and easy for ordinary tourists, like airplanes have become.
John Thomas
Posted at 11:01h, 09 DecemberGood to see a man who made such an enormous contribution commemorate another hero of space exploration. Intriguing also though that you mention being church elders before your flight, but unlike many of your fellow Americans no other mention of a god. Perhaps your vast experience and your perspective from the Moon gives you more insight into how the universe probably works than some of your fellow Americans?
David Caldwell
Posted at 10:53h, 09 DecemberWhen you look what little mwasa known and the courage to find out!! Ohio Legacy the Wright Brothers,Eddie Rickenbacker,Neil Armstrong and Jon Glenn not bad!! God Speed John Glenn.