25 Oct Buzz Aldrin guest stars on The Big Bang Theory
Buzz Aldrin is guest starring on tonight's "The Big Bang Theory" at 8pm/7c on CBS....
Buzz Aldrin is guest starring on tonight's "The Big Bang Theory" at 8pm/7c on CBS....
Following our first "small step for man" with the Apollo 11 landing on the moon on July 20, 1969, there was an expectation that mankind was embarking on our ultimate journey—the expansion of humanity into the cosmos. Unfortunately, more than 43 years since that remarkable event,...
Remembering Neil Armstrong Consummate test pilot, extraordinary leader, quiet advocate for space exploration. By Buzz Aldrin As America pays tribute to Neil Armstrong in a memorial service Thursday at the National Cathedral in Washington, I would like to reflect on the life and legacy of this great space-exploration...
BUZZ ALDRIN Co-Pilot opportunity! Britain’s brightest flying charity, teaching the disabled to fly, has a fundraising project to take on the World! Buzz Aldrin is taking part in Aerobility’s Global Flight Simulator Challenge… You can be Buzz Aldrin’s right hand man! To really help Aerobility make the most of...
Follow this link to see Buzz's words about Neil Armstrongon The Washington Post's website. ...