08 Mar Book signing at LA Times Festival of Books
Buzz Aldrin will be interviewed by Carolyn Kellogg at the LA Times Festival of Books main stage on April 9, 2016 at 3:40pm about his new book “No Dream is Too High: Life Lessons From a Man Who Walked on the Moon”.
The book signing will follow after the interview.
Signing Guidelines:
- -Buzz will only autograph the new book “No Dream is Too High”
- -He will NOT sign any memorabilia, photos, space related items, other books authored or not authored by him.
- -He will not personalize and will sign his name only.
- -We allow photos while he is signing but we will not pose for pictures or allow anyone behind the table to take a photo.
- -Each venue will decide if there is a limit to how many books you may purchase. This is at the discretion of the venue.
- -Buzz will continue to sign until the last person in line having purchased a book is taken care of. Once all books are sold we will consider the signing over.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
3:40pm – Buzz interviewed by Carolyn Kellogg
USC Campus
Los Angeles Times Main Stage
Click here for event map
Click here for more information about the LA Times Festival of Books
Josh Aguilar
Posted at 19:20h, 09 AprilPlease tell Dr. Aldrin THANK YOU VERY MUCH again for letting me come close to the stage, answering my pressing question, and signing my books, it really means a lot as he will always be a great inspiration to my (Mars) generation.
Posted at 09:25h, 09 AprilWill Buzz still be doing his interview and signing at the LA Times Book Festival if it is raining?
Posted at 06:16h, 08 AprilHi Sylvia,
Buzz’s on stage interview will take place at the LA Times Main Stage, you will not need to purchase tickets to attend. The book signing will follow right after the interview.
Team Buzz
Sylvia Dunbeck
Posted at 13:56h, 07 AprilHow do we get tickets to this? How do we go in? What time are you letting people in.? HELP???
Posted at 21:22h, 06 AprilOne more thing-just wanted to call attention to the fact that Neil Armstrong went to USC and there’s a statue of him there. Would be nice if Michael Collins showed up too!
Posted at 21:02h, 06 AprilJust met Buzz on Tues in Huntington NY at Book Revue. He was very charming! I just noticed he’ll be at USC, where my son is an engineering student! How cool is that? Its a small world! Especially when you see it from the moon!
Posted at 12:16h, 29 MarchCan we bring his book purchased elsewhere for signing ? or do we have to buy the book at the book fair ?
Posted at 14:06h, 24 MarchHi Scot,
Look forward to seeing you at the book signing! As we get closer to this event we will try and post an approximate end time to the LA Times book signing. Buzz will not depart early for the Yuri’s night event, so even though the event page says it begins at 5:30pm, it does not mean that Buzz will arrive at that time. Follow @TheRealBuzz on twitter for any last minute updates.
Team Buzz
Posted at 12:18h, 24 MarchI noticed that Buzz’s calendar shows another event on that Sat 4/9 at 5:30pm (https://buzzaldrin.com/buzz-at-yuris-night-los-angeles/). If this book signing starts at approx. 4:30pm, then that does not seem to leave much time to sign very many books before he would presumably have to leave. I’m traveling from a few hours away and would hate to miss out on a signed book. So will he be able to “continue to sign until the last person in line having purchased a book is taken care of” even if that is after 5:30pm?
Posted at 05:59h, 16 MarchBuzz’s conversation has been listed as an outdoor event and all outdoor programming for this event is free and does not require a ticket. To obtain a signed copy of Buzz’s book you will have to wait in line at his autographing table.
Team Buzz
Posted at 20:04h, 14 MarchIf we purchase a ticket for 35.00 then we will get an autograph. Just wondering if I’m correct. Want to make my kid happy. Thanks
Posted at 11:03h, 14 MarchTickets are not required for this event. It will be held at the LA Times Main Stage and events there are free.
Team Buzz
Posted at 11:02h, 14 MarchTickets are not required for this event. You should be okay to bring your own book as this is a book festival. If we hear otherwise there will be an update to this page.
Team Buzz
Posted at 09:17h, 14 MarchJust so I’m clear, I will buy the book at the festival? Or I need to bring it with me? Sorry for the stupid question, not clear on the process. Thanks
Posted at 08:30h, 14 MarchAre tickets needed to see the interview/book signing on 4/9? When can we get them?
Thank you
Posted at 08:03h, 14 MarchThe book signing will follow the interview at approximately 4:30pm.
Team Buzz
Posted at 10:13h, 11 MarchWhy is he signing at 8:30? Where is this supposed to take place?