23 Jul Buzz Aldrin: Discovering the moon
"Achieving permanence on another planet could lead to the survival of all mankind." Buzz Aldrin ...
"Achieving permanence on another planet could lead to the survival of all mankind." Buzz Aldrin ...
Buzz Aldrin in conversation with Leonard David 8:00pm During this special evening, in conversation with space journalist Leonard David, Aldrin will share his uniquely personal vision for future exploration. The two men are coauthors of Mission to Mars: My Vision for Space Exploration. Following the presentation,...
A CONVERSATION WITH BUZZ ALDRIN (4:30 PM) Legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin was the second person to set foot on the moon during the historic Apollo 11 landing. Aldrin’s passion for space exploration has never waned, and today he’s making a thoughtful case for sending humans to...
BUZZ ALDRIN IS ON THE NERDIST! He sits down with Chris, Matt and Jonah to talk about the current state of space exploration, his ideas for inhabiting Mars, and walking on the moon! ...
We need to start thinking about building permanence on the red planet, and what it takes to do that. I feel very strongly about this. This is an entirely different mission than just putting people on the surface of that planet, claiming success, having them...